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10 Worst Gaming Consoles of the 90s and Beyond

October 19, 2023

10 Worst Gaming Consoles of the 90s and Beyond

The video game industry in the 90s was a mix of some truly amazing experiences as well as severe growing pains as it entered the era of 3D graphics. That struggle led to some of the worst video game consoles to ever exist. Yes, the Virtual Boy is here too.
Can You Beat Bop It? Highest Score and World Records

January 5, 2024

Can You Beat Bop It? Highest Score and World Records

Bop It! was nothing more than a frustrating yet fleeting distraction for most 90s kids - but could you beat the game? Join us as we twist, pull, flick, and spin our way to answering this question, so you never have to wonder about it again.